The Vagabond Odyssey: Part 3 – The Song of Raymond

In the center of the great isle of Delos, a valley of rivers and plains sits.
Within this valley are the ruins of a cliff, collapsed and in bits.
Yet from these ruins does a magnificent palace stand, rising out of the debris
As if having conquered nature’s will, its spires wishing to outshow the trees.

This is the Sunken Palace, capitol of the nation of Delos. This is where the king, servant of Lady Delia, and his councilors meet.
And from another cliff does a knight in burnished armor ride. He takes off his armor and reaches into his mantle indiscreet.
“Is something the matter, Captain Dröhnen?” another knight beside him asks, as the superior takes out a parchment.
“Nay, just thinking of how to present this…” the Captain replies, rereading the transmission of involvement.

“To the right, honorable Delian Council and the Delian Round of Knights,”
“A great calamity has befallen Oliarus forthright,”
“Outlanders from Sporades had set fire to our city, invading for their own gain.”
“The gruesome men captured us and for that my wife, the lovable queen, had already been slain.”
“I know not if I will live to see tomorrow, but they wish to keep Lucian and Helena,”
“The former as a puppet, and the latter to marry off to their bourgeois.”
“They have not found Phoebe or her knight yet, the great House Vestalia has yet to fall.”
“Please send assistance as soon as possible, in the name of our great realm.”
“For if they are allowed to fester, all of Cyclades will be overwhelmed.”
“Sincerely, King Theodorus.”

The Captain sighs before signaling to his men, “Onward!” as they now barrel down the slopes.
Posthaste they arrived at the palace, now marching in with cautious hope.
The captain took off his helmet while approaching the main chamber, all seated with scholars renowned.

“Hark, great council! There is news from the eastern lands!” the captain says to the people of the crown.
“Sir Raymond Dröhnen, your strength may be prodigious but you must know your manners and kneel.”
The king commands from his throne, pointing with great zeal.
Raymond scowled, though did not look his king in the eye, before genuflecting.

His men see this then, and to his actions they were then reflecting.
“Speak now, captain.” the king raises his hand.
“House Vestalia and their kingdom have fallen to invaders from the Eastern Land!”
The council all look horrified before whispering amongst each other.
The king slams his hand, “Golden Oliarus has fallen?! Impossible!” he was quite shocked to discover.

Raymond throws the letter to him in response, to which the King catches the parchment with surprise.
After reading the letter in full, the King announces “…Captain Dröhnen is correct.” with widened eyes.
“Do not be a fool! Our demise will be met without our allies!” another then speaks.

The Delian Council erupts in arguments and shouts,
But enraged at their lack of tact, Ray stands up to announce.
He stomps his feet to the ground, creating a thunderclap.

“Oliarus has been lost, so give us knights the command.”
“Get the messengers to the Corner Isles, Cimolus, and Naxos, for they will understand.”
The council was quite confounded, “As a captain, that is not for you to command. And we’ve many more issues to tackle than these heavy demands.”

“Yes, indeed! Trade tensions with Kretes would shut us down in the event of war.”
“As well as summits with Keos and the Gulf, that is a door we cannot ignore.”
The council continued back to business, which annoyed Raymond even further.
But the King simply stayed his hands, giving advice to the observer.

“Get word out to your order’s master, he commands more of a presence than you.”
Ray looked up at him and nodded, though his pride did not allow him to give the king his dues.
And so he marched his knights out of the Sunken Palace, to return to the Citadel Round.
At the Wing of the Order of the Red Talon, Raymond swings his greatsword with frustration.
How can those councilmen not understand the gravity that fell upon their association?

He finishes his training, now looking to find his master while continuing to ponder.
He supposes it makes sense he’d feel connected, as he’d been to Oliarus over yonder.
It was 5 years ago, when the alliance held a tournament for fledgling knights
That he had met Kieran and had a gallant fight.
Both their powers, their brands, were seen as strange by the onlookers who were dazzled.
But at the end of the day, Ray was only happy that he was able to travel.

He had also caught glimpses of the princess, so rumored how she was hidden.
He had a brief conversation with her, about the state of their kingdoms.
But it was all too brief, as he’d discover such contact was forbidden.
As she was whisked away, the maids would ask forgiveness for the thing done.

Those two, he wished to know if they were alright, for their deaths would be quite the slight.
And he could at least be assured that Phoebe was found by the Outlanders’ might.

He needed to communicate this to the master though, great Titan of the Talon.
He needed to convince his superior, and temper his passion.
He meets the master in his office, who was working away at documents.
“You wanted an audience with me Raymond, despite being quite the occupant?”

“I’m afraid I can see that, master. So am I allowed to speak?”
“Do as you wish, as you go I will critique.”
The captain then recounted to his superior his experience at the council.
“So you wish to ride for our allies to mobilize a front…” his master comments on his account.

“That is indeed right sir.” Ray continued his espousal.
“I honestly don’t understand why they can’t understand the urgency!” Ray continues his recount.
His master stands up now, “You have to understand that they still care about other countries. Remember what they said.”
“What do you mean-”

“They talked about foreign relations after all, they just can’t afford not to care more for our stead.”
Raymond crossed his arms.
“I support you, do not get that wrong. And we may even ride out soon.” the master assures.
“But you must temper that temper, if you wish for your position to be secure.”

“What more do I need to do for this country then?! I’ve already bested bosses and dragons alike!”
“I do not disagree with your skill, young Raymond. But you cannot do everything by yourself, despite.”
“If you wish to work for people, you need to know how to work with people.”
“Knowing this, are you ready to ride with your men as a speaker for our steeple?”

“You will not need your sword, but your word and your wit.”
“To arrive to their aid, even before a neck is slit.”
Ray sighs, “If that is what is needed, then I will try, even if it is not assured.”
But the master only smiles, “Just hearing that makes me ensured.”

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