The Vagabond Odyssey: Part 2 – The Song of Ithri

Sprawling savannahs and mountains of sand stretch out as far as the eye can see,
All under an endless diamond sky, peering down onto the slumbering sea.
Phoebe awakes from her stupor, now confused at the sights she perceives
“Where the Hell are we…” was the thought she managed to retrieve.

“Not in your land.” a low voice replied,
Which caused Phoebe to spring up, to defend Kieran at her side.
But she did not find Kieran near her, for he was just behind,
Helping the door for a fresh new face, a bowl in his arms intertwined.

“Was that you who said that…” Phoebe asks the newcomer, who nods in response, in toe.
“Ithri ibn Yuhanna al-Khazama” he introduces for her to know.
She curtsies in respect, “What day is it right now, Ithri?” Phoebe then inquires.
“The 17th of Da’at.” Ithri replies while adjusting a wire.

Phoebe was perplexed, she did not recognize such a calendar.
But this rattled her last memory, hanging on her ship’s baluster.
“Where did you find us?!” she asks excitedly to confirm.
“The seaside near Aqayn, your ship was torn up, but there was no storm.”

It had all now clicked in Phoebe’s head, that foul play was afoot.
Their vessel must have been sabotaged, and left to crash en route.
“What country are we in right now, then?”
“Shahrazad, frontier of the Saracens.”

“Shahrazad?! On another continent from ours…” Phoebe said, now dismayed, “How much, then, will our trip to Delos be delayed…”
“Wait, you’re going to Delos? Your friend here did not tell me. Perhaps I could get you a ship, in exchange for a task or three.”
Kieran sighs, “That’s not how a guide should act, good friend.” he attempted to lecture.
But the man only shrugs in dismissal, “I think it’s a fair conjecture.”

The next day, Ithri guides the couple to the back of the inn,
Instructing Phoebe to draw water from the well with a pail of tin.
“So you’re a guide for travelers, do you work for this inn in specific?”
“I work for whoever hires me, though this one is quite terrific.”

“Does that mean that you’re quite connected, if you work everywhere?”
“I suppose you could say that, I give as much help as I can spare.”
“Can you arrange a ship for our return then, back to Cyclades?”
“I checked the harbor already, the next departure to Yperia must wait for the breeze.”

Kieran clicks his tongue in annoyance, “We’ve nothing to do but wait then…”
Phoebe ponders, “We may be able to ask for help from the Emir, if I invoke my right as a princess of men.” 
Ithri turns suddenly, “You’re a princess, Miss Phoebe?” he asks in surprise.
“Well, yes, indeed I am… I suppose the ruined clothes made a good disguise.”

Ithri pondered on this revelation, now nodding in reply.
“I suppose I can arrange for a tour of the palace, so that you may hold an audience with the Emir on high.” 
“Really?! Thank you so much, Ithri! What would we do without you?!”
Their guide only chuckled, “You may return to the inn for now, for the keeper is preparing a stew.”

As the couple returns inside to prepare for their trip to the city,
Ithri draws the sword from his hip, reevaluating his plan so gritty.
As the couple retires for the night, Ithri ventures deeper into the settlement.
Entering into a merchant district building while shedding his cloak of darkness.

The lanterns are lit with his presence, and the others inside bow at his entrance so elegant.
“What is the news, great sheikh?” one asks while adjusting her mask and harness.
“I’ve found a target from my guiding ways, a princess from afar.”
The others applaud with excitement, their jaws dropped ajar.

“They wish to speak with the Emir, and I will lead them through the town.”
“I will feed them through the eastern bloc, where you will wait and ambush their round.”
“Sounds like a plan, great sheik. A princess will most certainly feed us for weeks!”
The rest of the den of thieves shouts in agreement.

And Ithri simply smiles, his gang excited at his achievement.
“Be sure to strike decisively, rely on your technique.”

The next day, Ithri and his wards peruse the shops, procuring money and supplies for their long-sought travail.
“What is the name of your Emir, we are but humble travelers curious about your land.” Phoebe asks the shopkeeper for detail.
“Why it is none other than Aderfi ibn Khalid al-Khazama, the cunning champion!”
“al-Khazama… Is that surname very common amongst you happy men?”

“Quite not, good miss. Such a nisbah is reserved only for the chiefs and emirs.”
Phoebe raises an eyebrow at this, “Is that so…” she mutters as Ithri walks up to the counter.
“Have you found everything you need?” Ithri asks while sliding a bag of coins for her.
“Yes, quite… Kieran, let us go.” Phoebe replies while handing him their bags.

Kieran nods and walks out while tearing off the tags.
While walking back to the inn to retrieve their things, Phoebe engages in conversation with Ithri.
“So I heard from the shopkeep about the Emir.”
“Is that so? What then, did you hear?”

“One is that you share a surname, and the other is that it’s quite exclusive.”
Ithri hid the drop of his heart well, but now he must decide on how much he will tell.
If they were to die soon anyway, then this truth will scatter like the wind.
And it may ingratiate him to them, bringing him closer to the win.

He clears his throat, “For me to answer that, we must sit down for discussion. I know a coffeehouse nearby, with the softest of cushions.” he offers them a midday meal.
They nod in agreement, their hunger having not yet healed.
While Phoebe sampled the bitter drink that had not yet graced their lands, Kieran continued.

“So what was that story you wished to tell? You can begin as you wish, now that we’re in the presence of food.”
“Well to tell you the truth, emir Aderfi is my cousin. He succeeded my grandfather instead of me after a scheme quite sudden.”
Phoebe and Kieran still froze a bit to process that their humble guide was indeed a Royal low in prospect.
“So you’ve lost your claim to your throne… I myself can quite empathize.” Phoebe said, assuring.

Ithri simply sipped on his tea, “And why is that?” he would continue probing.
“My kingdom of Oliarus was overtaken by foreigners…” Phoebe explained, “The wreck you saved us from was our ship in escape.”
“That’s why we wish to voyage to Yperia,” Kieran added, “The nearby Delos is where we’ll begin our retake.”

“Oliarus!” Ithri said in surprise, “Aderfi will definitely allow you safe passage, if you truly hail from such a land.”
“That’s a huge relief! I only hope he doesn’t give out too much in demand…”
“I don’t believe he will, for your situation is quite fraught. But your kingdom is important for commerce, so his patronship will not be for naught.” 
“If that is so, then we must go to his palace posthaste!” Phoebe says.

Ithri points out the open window, “Judging by the palace’s crowd, you may have to wait one more day…”
That night, Ithri sat on the roof of the inn, examining the moon through his sword razor-thin.
He sighs to the cold desert air, now unsure of his motives. For these travelers are like him, from before his own losses.
He finds no nobility in being a Thieving Sheik, even if he can care for the poor who are quite weak.

So why would he condemn the couple to a fate even worse, to die in a land from which they wished to disperse.
In desperation he throws his amulet down, prostrating to the sky and putting his head to the ground.
He clasps his hands tightly before looking up, praying to the Heavens that his conscience would not have an interrupt.
“Please, Almighty Creator… Give this lowly servant strength…” he mutters in his native tongue, tears trailing down his cheek.

The morning after, he watches the couple load their provisions on an allocamel.
Kieran chuckles, “Those dark circles… no sleep is not good for long travel.”
“I’m well aware, but call me excited for the palace.” Ithri deflects with a smile.
While traveling into the city, Ithri decides to divert them into the western bloc, away from his men.

He’s decided then, that he will not betray this couple for the den.
There may always be another score that he could try, that would not strike his heart so.
But for now he’ll watch these two on their voyage, to safely touch and go.

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